So it's summer vacation, the weather is finally nice here in Seattle, and here's what I've been up to.
First of all, I added about eleven thousand words to "Finding Innisburg" my NaNoWriMo novel from 2010. It was originally only about 51,000 words, but at the advice of several people, I fleshed it out a little, and extended the ending and it now stands at a more respectable 62,000 words.
Then I re-wrote my query letter, after reading all the archives at Query Shark and rewrote my synopsis and then began to query agents for the second time. I've decided it's do or die right now for "Innisburg." If this round of querying doesn't produce an agent, I'm going to move on, and maybe someday it can be the second book of a two-book deal or something.
But the good news is, I've had two requests for full manuscripts, so that's nice.
Then I finished my zombie novel from last summer, which is currently titled "The Language of the Unheard." I wrote about 30,000 words of it last year so I added another 20,000 to finish the story. Fortunately I had done a pretty extensive outline for it before I wrote it, so I was able to pick up where I left off. Now I'm going back and editing/fleshing it out as well.
I also, while procrastinating from working on my real projects, have been doing some fun research for a couple other books. If I don't get into nursing school in the fall, I'm probably going to try to do NaNoWriMo again this year, and maybe I'll write another book before then. Anyway, I have a couple ideas for books that I think will be awesome: a fantasy novel, a contemporary thriller, a historical action-adventure and a mystery. So we'll see.
In my non-writing spare time, I've been volunteering at Harborview Medical Center and getting ready to take my nursing assistant state exam next week. Plus I just discovered (I know, where was I this whole time!) Miss Snark and I read every single blog entry she ever did in about a week. I'm also loving a couple of other agent blogs: Agency Gatekeeper and her former intern (Internet Famous Intern)'s blog So anyway, if you know anymore fabulous writing/agenting blogs, let me know!
Happy Writing!
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